Tuesday, December 30, 2008


A scant few days are all that remain of 2008. Its at this time of year we all do it, we get reflective on our lives and what we've done or didn't get around to doing, or wish we'd done... and yes ..wish we'd not done. I am no different. Its been on my mind a lot this holiday season just where life took me in this past year. I have had a lot happen and have had not enough happen. Thats life I guess. Its been a difficult year and yet... in the growth I'm finding... it will most probably turn out to be one of my best years of my life.. in the long run.

2009 is fast approaching and we toss around those words like resolution, promise, goal.. things we say to better our view on where we are and give ourselves hope we'll be even better in the new year. I could easily turn this post into just that .. a list of things I hope better in my life in the new year... Lord knows.. I could use it ...but .....instead Im striving to leave you all ending 2008 with a smile where this blog is concerned. So here for your funny bone tickling pleasure
is my slant on the top ten New Years Resolutions of 2008

1) Time with Family and Friends: yes lets time them!! When that alarm goes off in the morning jump right in with a stop watch and cheer them on through their morning routine! coach them into a better time of up and out the door!

2) Fit in Fitness: Yes... lets do that shall we! Let us feel the burn of the starbucks coffee on our tongue as we try to drink it way too soon. Let us put in ten more reps of hand to mouth as we hold the fork that slides the yummy starch laiden pasta into our mouth! Let us break a sweat in the 15 minutes of jumping and leg kicks and cave man grunt yells it requires to slide into those "what the heck am I thinking" jeans!

3) Tame the bulge: I dare say this is a piggy back to 2 ...perhaps thats why its got a bulge? Lets give it due credit however and offer this helpful piece of unsolicited advice... if running to reduce your bulge should blacken your eyes from slap impact... disregard resolution number 3 :))

4) Quit Smoking: I have never been a smoker... I have known several who have. Smoking can have positives and negatives... Be skinny.. long and lean like a chimney shape.....but puff heavily like a chimney. I know quitting is hard and really shouldnt be a laughing matter.. to those of you who are striving for that goal.. in all seriousness I wish you the very best! to those of you who have achieved this goal! Congratulations!

5) Enjoy life more : I think this one is going to have to be on your own personal perspectives.. If 2008 was spent enjoying life by beliefs and morals.. then to enjoy it more in 2009 would imply breaking those moral boundries and expanding those beliefs... I cannot in good concience encourage any of you to go out and break boundries and exceed your good morals :P

6) Quit Drinking: I see why this resolution pops up every year on the list.. its not specific enough. Quit drinking conveys we simply stop partaking of all liquids. We'd all fade away without proper fluids! I say pick a liquid and make that your goal. I will quit drinking *****
if you try , perhaps we'll find a bit different resolution on next years list hmm?

7) Get out of Debt: Now here is a good resolution. Society has us in such a hamster wheel does it not... We need money to purchase things to meet our basic needs... we have to work to make the money... in order to work we need things like clothes, food, car, those misc items required to keep our morale up to satisfactory levels sufficient to allow us to be productive at the job we need to work to make the money to meet our basic needs... when the math is unbalanced and the supply is less than the demand... its no wonder were swimmin in "Da B's Tea " ( De B T ) .
Bee's Tea sounds so much more pleasant ...go with me on this one.

8) Learn Something New: Well .......I think New Years Day at 12:01 would cover this resolution for most of the partying population... isnt it at 12:01 when those overly intoxicated souls try out their best pick up lines? Okay perhaps not. this actually is a good resolution... everday is potential for learning something. education, socially, financially, globally... dream big ! If youd like to start small ... how about learning how many minutes it takes to finish off the pint of ice cream in the freezer?

9) Help Others: HELP ( Hand Everyone Less Politics ) ??? ( Have Everything Legally Paid ) ....( Happy Ether Lan Port ) ... ( Hang Essentials Low Please ) ( Hand Exceptional Lease Price )however you choose to abide by resolution number 9. Best of luck to you in your efforts!

10) Get Organized: When I master my PDA,...pdq.....so I can AFK... from the PC . When I can open up my inventory and not have to spend 5 minutes looking for my shoes... when I can open up my rl closet and not spend 5 minutes looking for my shoes. When my hanging file folders no longer double as storage bins of useless misc. sentimental treasures.. then......and only then ...can I claim victory over resolution number 10.

I hope you have all enjoyed this little attempt at making you smile. If I dont happen to see you
before the new year dawns.. may you find 2009 brings you many blessings and triumphs! I love the toast that always says .....may the worst day of your future.....be the best day of your past!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Take Care Everyone! Thanks for reading.

Todays Poem:

Lines Ive said , words conveyed
another poem on this blog is laid
rhythmic text to is played
entertainment to you I gave

New Years Dawns so very near
and resolutions were soon to hear
promise this, and strive for that
quit smoking, and lose the fat.

In all you do and all you say
in how you try to change your ways
never forget this ..as I end ..
its for how you are ....I'm glad to call friend.

Thanks so very much ! God Bless and Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays

Its Holiday time, our thoughts and ambitions focus toward giving and sharing and enjoying the gifts that this time of year brings, more than the latest eletronics or fashions, the coolest new music cd's, or those clever creative gifts imagination and whimsy can combine to bring. The gifts of life, love, laughter with friends and family. The greatest gift our faith humbles us to appreciate recieving.

In my home growing up we had a particular way of enjoying Christmas morning... Dad who was an early riser would roust us kids at the * come on as a kid especially teen years who gets up that early* 5 or 6 a.m. we'd all share donuts or pastries and OJ * dad had coffee* , I suspect now in my adult age this was to give him an edge.. caffiene to wake him up while us kids yawned and marveled at his energy?? Hmmm.... anyway.... we enjoyed pastries and OJ and then traditional gift opening.

Opening gifts in my home was always the same... someone usually picked by Dad.. passed out the gifts to various family members... then one at a time , often starting with the youngest..which I was so that worked out well, opened one gift...everyone else sat and watched. Dad would tell me later... this was to ensure we kids grew up with lessons of value for showing kindness. Seeing someone appreciate what youd done went a long way toward encouraging the desire to want to give more to others. Youngest to the oldest wed go around our small circle opening gifts.. some years were lean and it wasnt long till were done.. some were well blessed and it would be a hour before we were through... but all christmas's left me personally with the same feeling.. joy.. Joy for family, joy of giving and being given too .. just feeling happy for the joy of everything.

In later years we started to have the custom of writing a letter to family member and putting it in the tree. A heartfelt wish or telling to that individual on what they meant to our lives and giving thanks for Jesus and his gift he gave us all.

What traditions do you have in your holiday celebrations? Posing by the Christmas tree for photos? Specific food dish that is prepared just so ? A object or trinket set out in same spot year after year in comfort or tribute to someone special? Drop a comment down and share some of your traditions for the holidays :)

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Thanks for reading :)

Todays Poem:


Who is that roly poly man
dressed in a suit of red
hes got a great big rosy nose
and white fluff surrounds his head

he totes a bag of red satin
laiden down with joys and treats
and boots as black as night
are attached to his feet

He's placing gifts under the tree
each one is brightly wrapped
and as he bends each time down
bells jingle on his cap

I am so excited and happy
to watch him do his task
there's much I'd like to know of him
but now's not the time to ask

I am crouched down in awe
here hidden on the stairs
silent and bewildered
at what I'm seeing there

He doesn't know I see him
and I am very glad
for I am just in awe to find
that SANTA's really DAD!!!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bell Ringers

Its the holiday season and as we bustle in and out of various shopping establishments, and stroll the busy sidewalks its not silver bells we hear on the street corners but those devoted bell ringers.. those diligent individuals who give their time to stand in the cold for hours at a time indulging the looks of shoppers who greet them with a range of annoyance to excitement.

Adults who look upon them, some with guilt that they have no money to drop in , or have money they dont want to part with... the bell ringers smile and cheerfully bid us "Merry Christmas" calling out for all to hear " Happy Holidays". They dont seem to mind the adverse
weather, they are resistant to the snubs of those who simply wont give.

A small reward now and then is when the young kids will run up.. excited to drop the little amounts of change in the bright red bucket they see more than a smile on a kids face, they see
joy of a heart thats giving! What is it about life that changes us .. from that young child happy to drop our pennies into a bucket for others ... to the adults who clutch our loose change in our pocket as we hurry on by?

I am sure there are a great many people in this world who give of themselves to better the lives of others and of themselves.. but for this post.. I am tipping my hat to the bell ringers. The time they give for small change.....makes a big change for many. When your out and about this holiday season and hear a bell or a shouted " MERRY CHRISTMAS" .. take a moment to give a nod to the bell ringer and appreciate what they stand for..there .

Thank you for reading.

Todays Poem:

Wrapped in scarf and big thick hat
ring the bell and kindly chat
stand in boots and feel the chill
watch the little ones giving thrill

Takes the change little in size
makes big change in many lives
endless hours stood in cold
was there ever once a Thank You told?