Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Best of Intentions

Who says the darndest things only come from kids?

Recently my teenage son and I ventured out to our local zoo to take in the sights, sounds and adventures.. little did I know it would be my own best of intentions that would cause the appearance of more adventure than wanted.

My son and I , while waiting in line for a tram ride at the zoo, a group of young kids, about 3-4 graders, and their parents came to occupy the bench next to ours. They were enjoying the zoo and decided to pick that particular time to recall all the birds they'd seen thus far in their day...from robins to barn owls they voiced the sound each animal had made. I happen to look over and see my son who was wearing a expression that indicated he wasnt all that pleased haha An avid video game enthusiast, my son had willingly left his controller to come and spend the day with me. He leans in and whispers some comment about the bird noises. I replied perhaps a bit too perky, they were just socializing ...its good to do that.

My son mumbles in typical teenager attitude.. he didnt want to be "social" today..and then it happened...that moment ...when you have the best of intentions........and it comes out the worst nightmare HA HA . As a large crowd of zoo visitors passes by my son and I .. I say to him.. ( intending to encourage his get out of the house and socialize idea ) " Aww it feels good to get out and expose yourself more to new people!" We heard the inital "gasps!" and a few giggles but it was the look on my sons face holding back a laugh I knew was imminent to explode that turned my cheeks three shades of red !

So in this time of woes and wonderments about life, love, and friendships its good to see Fate still has a sense of humor to keep us all smiling ;)

Todays Poem:

Best laid plans inside your head
realitys paths you travel instead
hear what I mean , not what I say
foot in my mouth, oh lord did I pay!

Friday, April 3, 2009

One Quarter Thinking

Hello! *looks at date* well see there I squeaked this entry in under the Wow its been a month since I last wrote line :) Thank you to all of you who faithfully continue to read my rambles I apprecaite you greatly!

Okay so its taken a few weeks , I admit to some distractions and some real life agendas keeping me busy a blog topic idea hadnt yet struck me however today did! and without haste here I am to share it all with you :)

Here in my town, I'm sure probably in yours too , we have a food store that has shopping carts you must pay a quarter to use and are returned your quarter upon returning the cart. A nice idea that cuts down on those unreturned carts that dent cars in the lot . Well today as I walked up to slide my quarter * which I spent 5 minutes trying to find in my purse* .. into the slot I noticed there was one already there!! A free cart! well its free anyway as you get your quarter back when you return it but ... a step in my procedure saved.. that little thing ...that made a smile !!! I looked around for an absent minded shopper to call out but I was alone. Just the shopping carts and I . I took the cart , grinning for that hey that was nice moment ... and went into the store. I did my shopping and loaded the items in my car... returning the cart to the outdoor collection area I by habit took the quarter out and pocketed it as I walked to my car.

Three steps later my concience taps me on the shoulder and I am reminded of the great feeling " I " had in finding a quarter already there so I turned around and walked back...reinserting the quarter in the slot . Driving home this thought hit me ...........what would most do ? Would they take the 25 cents? would it be by habit? by greed? by need ? what would you do if it were you?

Thanks for reading :D

A penny saved
is a penny earned
a quarter found
is a lesson learned

instant feel good
thrill was had
by thoughtful someone
or forgetfully sad

what would you do
if morals are in question
would it be an action
you'd be proud to mention

Thanks again for reading !