Saturday, December 29, 2007

Virtual Morality


Okay so picture this ........

Your going along down a road .... you see this pretty cool looking house... you are amazed at its design, curious about what it looks like inside... you go up to the front door ... open it... and walk inside ... exploring all around the rooms contained inside ...

Are you sitting there thinking.. you cant do that! How rude! Invasion of privacy .. breaking and entering?? the least trespassing! and in the real
world all would be accurate. But what about in virtual worlds. Is there the same
level of respect and morality for property, possesions, people... in virtual enviroments?

We see ban lines and security systems with an annoying frequency in online world of Second Life , I thought .. why do folks feel they need this here.. and I was taken back in memory to the times I'd gone "exploring" and entered places.. tromped across virtual lawns.. and sat on steps not meant to be public area.. all in the name of fun.. to explore.. enjoy.

So my question is ... Is there a virtual morality? Does etiquette we freely and with respect give to souls in rl .. carry over to a virtual enviroment. We like to look like RL *although some of us *me included* have fabricated our virtual self to be far more attractive on the outside than our rl self * lol , we like to create things in virtual world that are like rl ... fashions, home designs, products, etc.. we even have started seeing corporate presence of rl companies in virtual realm so if all those things carry over.. should morality as well? Has it already?? What do YOU think? I have no right or wrong answer to offer here.. simply a observation that I felt made a decent blog ramble .. I hope if nothing else .. you enjoyed the ramble :) Thank you for reading.

Todays Poem:

Privacy Protected
Personal space assumed
Do we really have control
of who invades our room?

Security lines are erected
ban list starts to grow
is there a proper do's and dont's
on virtually where to go ?

Explore the builds and landscapes
freely its space we walk about
is this no big deal to all
or of morality is there a doubt ?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Point of View

Hi !
Seasons Greetings! I'd normally say Happy Holidays .. as thats the sentiment I'm really wishing to express , however I haven't been able to in good concience say so after reading a certian virtual angels blog rant ..*smiles at Velveeta * but suffice to say I wish all of you who come to honor me with your time ... I bid you the happiest of this holiday season.

Today my rambling thought is point of view ... I shall explain.. I know you're going to need it follow my wayward rambles :D Earlier this week I went to dinner with my two sons..
they are adult and teen age.. as we sat there at McDonalds.. I observed a Dad and his two young sons enter .... the Dad's gaze was darting.. seeking.. taking survey of the empty seats.. where would best be to position themselves... distant in case the kids are loud... close for better keeping an eye on kids as they play in equipment... you could see his expression was one of seriousness and responsibility... Scan the view down to the two young boys.. whos eyes were wide eyed, sparkling and focused. They were spying that climbing gym, with all its many tubes and slides, colored balls for jumping in.. their expression was one of ovious joy and excitement.

It got me to wondering.. about the different points of view we as different generations, different genders.. upbringing's.....we take for the same expierence's. When did life create in us that maturity to look at things responsibly.. and if were focused on that .. do we lose sight of the fun?

Sure we make jokes on this now and again .. I cant tell you how many times Ive mentioned to my own kids.. how their preference of volume for their music is quite possibly a bit excessive for listening and that .. I wasn't sure of course but seriously doubted the population within a mile radius of our home would appreciate hearing their musical entertainment choice.

One day I was particularly pleased to find I could squeeze myself back into a pair of pants I'd long since kept in the back of my closet for that "someday I might fit in these again" you know that pair you wore back in school that you thought made you look just too darn hawt! Well my elation of fitting in was short lived when my son inquired of me "They had jeans back then!!" Apparently.. this is a revelation to find jeans were in fact quite popular back in the day .. right along side the bone in the hair fashion and clubbed meat tenderizing ... sigh ..

But I'm digressing as I often tend to do, from my topic at hand ... Point of view ... watching the Dad and his two sons.. it really got me thinking...looking at life and its situations with maturity and responsiblity is indeed very important.. but if I were to make a wish.. I'd hope that in each and everyone of us .. we never lose that sparkled eyed point of view.. the one that lets us see the fun in each situation. The innocence of letting go to enjoy the moment even if its fleeting ... let that kids at heart in you .. out to play now and then ...sometimes thats hard to find the joy in the tasks of life that are not so pleasant.. but if entered into with a light heart and a willing smile .. just imagine the cause and effect the effort might bring! Thank you for reading and Merry Christmas and Happiest of New Years to you all :)

Todays Poem:


Who is that roly poly man
dressed in a suit of red
he's got a great big rosy nose
and white fluff surrounds his head

He totes a bag of red satin
laiden down with joys and treats
and boots as black as night
are attached to his feet

He's placing gifts under the tree
each one is brightly wrapped
and as he bends each time down
bells jingle on his cap

I am so excited and happy
to watch him do his task
there's much I 'd like to know of him
but now's not the time to ask

I am crouched down in awe
here hidden on the stairs
silent and bewildered
at what I'm seeing there

He doesn't know I see him
and I am very glad
for I am just in awe...
to find that Santa's really DAD!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Good Penmanship

Hello! Yes....sigh... I seem to always start out my posts with apologetic excuses for lack of posting .. and todays entry .. seems no exception :) But here is the rambling thought that popped into my head and triggered the notion for a blog entry .

I was at the auto shop this week , signing a credit card reciept for car repairs.. I grabbed the pen and set to signing my name ... when "it" happens... what "it" is .. I cannot explain but its that
thing... that ... occurance.. that finds me unable to write my name in good penamanship. You know what Im talking about ... we scribble our names down in such rushed fashion or annoyed haste at the debt we just commited ourselves to that .. our handwriting takes on that of a new rollercoaster ride blueprint. I can sit and address Christmas cards and have the most legiable handwriting... but task me to pen my name on a reciept or document and I'm Sally Scribble.

So the thought occured to me to ask .... just how important is good penmanship? Doctors write illegiably (except to the nurses who decifer it .. I wonder if theres a secret underground covert training facility to teach them to break the scrawled instruction code ) ... and the world seems to turn and move on .... when reading a application... or a filed document how important is it to have good penmanship...? What do you think ??

In closing.. I've already asked a few of my friends this question, however I think it might be interesting to see what others think as well ... If you could make up your own personalized 12 Days of Christmas.. what would you pick to be your 12 days.?

Thanks so much for reading!

Todays Poem:

Jotted hand quickly scribes
cross the T's and dot the I's
loop and flow the lines precise
sign my name so very nice

High and low the pen does travel
creating a line to never unravel
second gaze at my completion
has me wishing that writngs deletion

Scribbled text my name is inked
my good penmanship suddenly extinct
right there on the dotted line
my scribbled name I did sign