Monday, June 25, 2007


We all have had a countdown of some kind or another in our life.. the parental countdown most of us expierenced from our parents when we'd pushed the envelope a bit to far.. " I want you to apologize to your brohter!! in 5...4...3...2...1 "

How many of you joined in the countdown till the end of the school year and summer began! In XX more days we could kiss math and spelling tests goodbye and enjoy swimming and baseball and any other mischief the summer let us find.

We've watched the countdown of progress .. joining in with the announcer and fellow spectators to marvel as the space shuttle is launched propelling our future high into the heavens.

Every Sunday my Dad and I would listen together to the Country Music Countdown on the radio, and I can receall many times in highschool listening to the Top 20 Countdown of pop music hits.

I had a countdown of my own when I marked the days until my long awaited trip to Sydney, Australia. The many months of waiting seemed to pass by easier to my imaptient heart by partaking in a "countdown".

Countdowns most always lead to something positive, a long awaited pleasure is about to commence , a most anticipated event soon to happen.. I have found myself very blessed to once more be in the midst of a countdown!

In just a VERY few short days I will be boarding a jet to whisk me westward to enjoy a most long awaited trip, to meet Jaycatt Nico. Its been so long in planning it was always one of those pleasant " yeah someday " type dreams .. my countdown was long and steady, year, to months, to now simply days.. its very exciting! I met Jay almost 2 years ago now in the world of Second Life. We've been such great friends ever since, Im elated for the opportunity to finally meet him in the real world. Maybe he'll play his song "Seasons" for me live. wheee! So many things Jay speaks about us going to see, I cant wait to take in all the sights and sounds of it all!

In addition to meeting Jaycatt I am pretty excited to meet several other folks and friends I've known in Second Life while I'm there , Frogg, Jay's roommate and a pretty sweet person in his own right, Megg, a new friend to me but already one I cherish greatly! Maken, my brother in SL I'm excited to see him! Nancy, Jays very close friend and my new friend! Littleturtle, Jays sister in real life and one terriffic lady! (Of course I am using only the second life names of all these folks as Im not sure how proper it would be to list their real names)all such kind folks I know meeting them will only bring added wonderment to an already wonderful trip!

I'm also particularly excited to meet my friend Patrick LaSalle! He's grown to become such a very special friend to me, a most wonderful person, meeting him in real life will be the preverbial icing on the cake:) I am so excited to see myself the mountains I've seen only in pictures! Amazing scenery I know I will be the typical jaw dropped gazing in awe tourits at the first sight of them! So my countdown continues.. I will keep making the "X's" on the calendar knowing soon...
my countdown will end! What countdowns do you have going on in your life ??

Todays Poem:

Numbers decrease, my heartbeat races
soon to depart for far off places
butterflies flutter, my tummy flop-flips
about to enjoy a most wonderful trip

Years to months, months to days
days to minutes, my spirits will raise
X's made in a box for each day passed
countdown to a time we'll make memories to last!

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Levels of Laughter


You know it never ceases to amaze me to find there are actually people who read this blog of mine. Bless each of you for the time you spend to browse my aimless ramblings
I appreciate all the kind words so many of you shared and it both gladdens me and encourages me to keep going. Thank you!

Levels of laughter, in real life we can see by facial expressions and body language as well as audio the degrees of laughter a person expresses.. we can tell a chuckle from a belly laugh. We expierence the low level "heh" from the slap your knee cant breath I'm laughing so hard "hah" . But what about over the internet.. theres so many abbreviations here .. what level is the true expression.

For example .. is "lol" a bigger laugh than "LOL!" ... is there a guide somewhere that lists if "LMAO" is a greater laugh than " LMFAO" ... and lets not forget the ever popular "ROTFL" .. sure we know what the abbreviations mean and can visualize the actions.. but is laughing your arse off , more than rolling on the floor laughing. Is it REALLY funny if humor is met with a "ROTFLMFAO" ?? *scratches head*

Perhaps its a numeric scale.. "lol" is less than "LOL!" for it has less spaces in text? "LMAO" has just as many spaces.. as "LOL!" and yet.. seems to be expressing a higher degree of reaction.. does ones arse falling off seem greater than the bold and sturdy "!" .. *makes pondering face expression"

Is the "lol" a courtesy laugh.. like the bad knock knock jokes a friend might tell, or is it a geniune hearty laugh of "oh goodness that was funny". It's ironic I would find myself posing an entry on the humor of laughter but I have found just that in trying to express laughter in text. Even those who simply type "laughs" ..its not important to know what degree the "laughs" was.. after all just knowing a person is smiling is a nice thought in itself, however it is a curiousity..and in some ways might effect the way the conversation continues. If you tell a joke and it gets a "meh" or "heh" is that more or less encouraging to tell another as opposed to seeing a "lol" or "HAHAHHAHA" ...

Internet expressed emotions.. what are your experiences? I hope this entry has brought you a smile, or perhaps a chuckle, a lol, or LOL!, possibly even a "laugh" whatever it has or hasn't I appreciate your time spent in reading Thank you!

Todays Poem:

Letters penned across the screen
forming words that wish to be seen
viewed by eyes curious and kind
conveying visuals in ones mind

Humor shared in abbreviation
help influence the conversation
words and sentences sent in text
my feelings now I have expressed

Smiles grow and fill the day
from the meaning words can say
never doubt letters or of them scoff
enjoy the emotions of "LMAO"

Thank you for reading!

Monday, June 18, 2007

35th Post

My my my, does that even seem possible? I have had 35 ideas of something to say to put on this blog? Amazing! Or the info on my blog is glitched and Im far from being that sucessful in posting frequency , either or .. Hooray! A new post!

Lets talk today about Excercise! Its easy peasy to say the cliche's , "Its good for you! " , "You'll feel so much better!" ,and the ever famous and in my case most appropriate " No pain no gain". Im sure the intent of that is no pain of the workout, no gain of a good body shape. In my expierence though its only half right.
Oh sure theres pain or exhaustion in the toils of the workout but the only gaining is me still finding the scale number the same every weigh in. Im not gaining.. but its not dropping anymore either. * sigh*

I saw a excercise video commercial recently that had me pondering.. what is the target audience of these type of tapes. Not a single one of those featured in the video had a ounce of flab on them. All beautifuly thin people. I think If Im overweight the last thing Id want is to watch a bunch of chiseled sculpted bodies bounce around showing off all the things I dont have . I understand they are possibly meant as motovation, the ol' " Wow if i do this I could look like that too! " and that would be a good ploy to sell more tapes, however.. It'd be nice to see a heavy person on there. Equal opportunity workout babes and beaus lol Show me the person built like me doing the excecises.. that might induce motovation, 15 min of watching stepford aerobic barbie and Im just wanting to sit in the recliner eatin little debbies and cheering " you go girl... Ill just umm.. take five.."

When you see little blonde barbie girl jump and bring her knee up to her chest with all the grace and finesee of a prima ballerina.. then bend down and touch her toes and NOT make that " UGGGGH!" groan so many of us do .. how is that a positive towards good health when your struck with the realized thought after trying it .... I cant do half the things on this tape right now!! Its a interesting test of willpower being at those crossroads. Some sink to depression *im too heavy to even do the workout to get thin* and some grasp the positive outlook of .. I just need to keep at it, then I can do it. I will never be the barbie babe on the video others will envy but perhaps one day when the pigs fly over the rainbow I can look upon myself and see that hourglass figure .. without needing to lift or seperate anything first *giggles*

I have been working hard lately at working out.. being far more dilligent of my dedication to put in the get my health in shape, sure I'd like to look good and have the WOW! whiplash double take figure. Its societys most admired image, however I am not that girl. I am ME. Gone is the goal to have the perky bouncy mounds on the chest, replaced is the goal to just keep them above the waist level. No longer do I want sexy hips that swing but hope instead to one day sit with sexy in a swing :D Where once my intent was to have drop dead buns.. Im now perfectly content to simply drop dead on my buns at the end of the day. Good health is important, keeping the heart working smoothly.. thinking looking the barbie doll physique is important.. not for me hearts not in it :)

What are your views on good health and physique?

Todays Poem:
Up up up the hill
steep climbing as if hiking
we've worked up such a sweat you see,
and all we're doing is cycling.

Up and down our feet go round
on the pedals as they spin
racing down the other side
we dont realize just how far we've been,

and so we journey along the trail
with nature as our companion
and with every stride we take
for our healths sake , we're a champion!

It's fun for all the ages,
so if, for it , you have a liking
why not try a new hobby,
and take your family cycling!!

Thanks for reading :)