Saturday, June 23, 2007

Levels of Laughter


You know it never ceases to amaze me to find there are actually people who read this blog of mine. Bless each of you for the time you spend to browse my aimless ramblings
I appreciate all the kind words so many of you shared and it both gladdens me and encourages me to keep going. Thank you!

Levels of laughter, in real life we can see by facial expressions and body language as well as audio the degrees of laughter a person expresses.. we can tell a chuckle from a belly laugh. We expierence the low level "heh" from the slap your knee cant breath I'm laughing so hard "hah" . But what about over the internet.. theres so many abbreviations here .. what level is the true expression.

For example .. is "lol" a bigger laugh than "LOL!" ... is there a guide somewhere that lists if "LMAO" is a greater laugh than " LMFAO" ... and lets not forget the ever popular "ROTFL" .. sure we know what the abbreviations mean and can visualize the actions.. but is laughing your arse off , more than rolling on the floor laughing. Is it REALLY funny if humor is met with a "ROTFLMFAO" ?? *scratches head*

Perhaps its a numeric scale.. "lol" is less than "LOL!" for it has less spaces in text? "LMAO" has just as many spaces.. as "LOL!" and yet.. seems to be expressing a higher degree of reaction.. does ones arse falling off seem greater than the bold and sturdy "!" .. *makes pondering face expression"

Is the "lol" a courtesy laugh.. like the bad knock knock jokes a friend might tell, or is it a geniune hearty laugh of "oh goodness that was funny". It's ironic I would find myself posing an entry on the humor of laughter but I have found just that in trying to express laughter in text. Even those who simply type "laughs" ..its not important to know what degree the "laughs" was.. after all just knowing a person is smiling is a nice thought in itself, however it is a curiousity..and in some ways might effect the way the conversation continues. If you tell a joke and it gets a "meh" or "heh" is that more or less encouraging to tell another as opposed to seeing a "lol" or "HAHAHHAHA" ...

Internet expressed emotions.. what are your experiences? I hope this entry has brought you a smile, or perhaps a chuckle, a lol, or LOL!, possibly even a "laugh" whatever it has or hasn't I appreciate your time spent in reading Thank you!

Todays Poem:

Letters penned across the screen
forming words that wish to be seen
viewed by eyes curious and kind
conveying visuals in ones mind

Humor shared in abbreviation
help influence the conversation
words and sentences sent in text
my feelings now I have expressed

Smiles grow and fill the day
from the meaning words can say
never doubt letters or of them scoff
enjoy the emotions of "LMAO"

Thank you for reading!


Blogger Eric said...

Amazing! You always manage to come up with something new and original to blog about. :) At some point, I switched from abbreviations (lol, rofl) to expressions (haha, HAHA!!). Let's not forget "heehee", which I tend to use when the humor is a touch mischievous or risque.

Thanks for entertaining me so much while I'm sitting at work on a Saturday all alone. :D Speaking of Saturday, btw, isn't 7:15am an early time to be awake and blogging? (just teasing!)

June 23, 2007 at 4:01:00 PM EST  
Blogger Jaycatt said...

hehe, good entry :D

don't forget emoticons! I always think of Yahoo when I use them, so a :) is just a smile to show you're speaking lightly, and :D is a big teethy grin that shows you're in a good mood. And, well, for me and perhaps some other furries, ^^ is kind of a squinty eyed-face, where you think something's cute.

I normally use lol generically, and LOL! when it's something especially funny. Since capitalizing words is like shouting, it's more like a belly laugh...

I hardly ever use rofl, unless I think I've used lol just too much in the last minutes.

Plus "hehe" is a good chuckle word, with "hehehe" being an extended chuckle.

Glad someone else is thinking about this stuff too!

June 25, 2007 at 7:54:00 AM EST  
Blogger Coyote said...

Every once in a while I'm driven to admit in writing "(laughing in RL!)" because... well, because I am. And it's not quite the same thing as a lol or a LOL or a lmao. It's the real McCoy.

June 27, 2007 at 12:08:00 AM EST  

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