Monday, May 28, 2007

Birthdays :)


Birthdays, one day out of the whole year... to recognize your length of existance on the planet, in the universe, your presence in humanity, the blessing of your life. Some like to let this one day pass like just any other day.. prefering no fuss and even quietly wishing the day over and the next day begun.

Still there are some, and I fall into this catagory, that like to recognize the day as special no matter what the age of the birthday guy or gal. I think birthdays are blessings! Milestones of achievement perhaps, one year that you've had more with those you love in life, one year more that you've been given to grow in personal exploration and growth, how could you not want to celebrate that blessing! Birthdays are to be fussed over from 1 to 100 and up in my opinion.

Granted you dont want to make a overly big deal each birthday and especially if its for one of the "dont make a fuss" types.. respect is respect of course.. but something different for the day .. a card quietly sent in the mail, a cupcake placed on the desk of a coworker, taking a friend out to lunch :) I think birthdays should be fussed on, now having said that I dont always handle that so well when I am the one on the receiving end. I am much more content to be the one fussing than the one fussed over.

This week, I was thrilled to fuss over two special birthdays! First my youngest son, my "baby" turned 16 years old. He being a teenager preferred to spend the day amongst his friends and his girlfriend, home only a brief time I still couldnt resist making the day special by a cake and singing Happy Birthday after all it was "sweet 16" *tucks away gray hair *. The second Birthday was for my dear and wonderful friend Braddie, my virtual brother and one Im elated to see daily again back in the world of Second Life. We put together a surprise party for Braddie!!

I could not have done any of this without the tremendous help of many great friends! Jaycatt! Patrick!! Rysidian!! and Bashiri!! your help was both invaluable and greatly appreciated thank you!! Braddie is a big sci fi fan so we themed his party to be so as well, decorating the venu of Amphibicatt Gardens in banners, balloons, and a silent mock spaceship battle I enjoyed creating the decorations and found it all well worthwhile when Braddie commented so positively upon them.

It was great fun to see so many friends attend and to do so in such unique costumes.. Jaycatt was excellent in a MechaCatt avatar, blue in color with purple trim :) FireEyes and Reina looked stunning in his green goblin skin and suit and her beautiful purple dress and deeley boppers :) Patrick looked awesome in his avarian troll skin and "scotty" star trek uniform lol it was a great look but I could be biased due to his purple hair :D, Rysidian donned his blue star trek uniform to make the "cast of characters" quite a special group to behold. Eric in his "marvin" avatar and Sumar as Gir made such a cute pair! Even Sporked and Bashiri rocked out in mechabot fashions to make it a wonderful night!

A most special treat of the night, rather icing on the cake to braddies surprise celebration was the live music performed during this party. I was so elated to have been a part of this and hope more such occasions will be repeated again soon! Patrick started things off with several minutes of his own solo show entertaining us with such musical delights as Running down a dream, Authority song, Save Tonight , and his awesome rendition of Shot through the heart to name a few.. then a very special treat, Jaycatt joins Patrick on the virtual stage and through the wonders of modern technology.. both of them performed together on such hits as 29 ways, Heard it through the grapevine, fever, start it up and more,I particularly enjoyed their duet of "Happy Birthday". It was most excellent show given Patrick could not hear Jaycatt for the world, to hear the show you quite literally believe them to be in the same room playing. Isnt technology amazing!! Following the duet portion of the show, Jaycatt continued to wow the group with a solo performance of his own, treating us all to such tunes as Seasons (yay I love this song ), Journey of the Sorccer, Madworld, and much more! I had a blast! and hope Braddie enjoyed his special celebration of his day!

Whats your best birthday memory? I didnt have many party celebrations for my birthdays in real life, I suppose the lack of occurance in that I'd have to say my best birthday memory would be the massive party given for me in Second Life a few years back by Braddie and Rysidian and many more I'm sure . They filled an entire volcano with purple lava, and sacrificed me to it hahaha only to find out I wasnt worthy! 'Twas great fun! All the guests came donned in purple and that it was a well kept surprise made it all the better!! I think a very close second would have been the party Jaycatt threw for me the last birthday I had, he and Frogg both performing live music it was definitely one of the best birthdays ever!! Frogg even played my all time favorite of his songs Josie's Smiling, sadly due to tuning circumstances a song rarely performed in Second Life. I was greatly appreciative of the gifts of such wonderful friends. What are some of your birthday memories ??

Todays Poem:

A long ago tribute to Braddie on his birthday, seems appropriate on this post to post it now.

Gentle, kind, wit and style
Brad he always makes me smile

Heart of gold, and hair of blue
How blessed I am being friends with you

You have that special something
that everyone must see

Whatever I may do
your always there for me

My eyes sparkle brightly
my heart fills with glee

When I think of you my friend
and what you mean to me

So Happy Birthday Braddie my your days joy never end
On a day we bring you presents,you gave the best gift just being my friend!

Thanks for reading :)


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