Thursday, October 4, 2007

Positives at the Perfect Time

Hey there to all of you, and thank you once again for returning to read my rambles.

For my last post being about the power of words, I seem to have suffered a weakness in that its been a while since Ive felt words powerful enough to share on a post again. Not that this post will be dramatic in any shocking manner but just that I have a ramble in my mind and felt it worth sharing.

The other day I was out job hunting, having been a stay at home mom for quite some years Ive found I'm not as qualified to do most of the jobs being offered, to go from being the cook, maid, chauffer, nurse, psychologist, babysitter, etc. to a underqualified applicant its not hard to see where that could discourage ones positive spirit. So I was out applying at places when one employee application required me to take a pre-assesment employee test. This was approx. 70 questions to judge what I would do in certian simulated circumstance situations. Sadly, I chose to reply my answers according to my personal morals, not company morals. * and isnt that sad in and of itself they are two different things * ... and after a hours worth of my time to answer these questions I was told I failed to pass the pre assesment test.and my application wouldnt even be looked at now. I found it frustrating, and tried to console my bruised pride by a bristly.. well I wouldnt want to work for a place like that anyway... but always one to try and perk up a low point I opted to treat myself to a personal luxury... a Latte!! Mmmmm! latte!

I ordered, and paid and set the cup in the cup holder of my car.. started on my trek home.. upon the first turn my lid slides off the cup tips and latte is now the new fashion statement on my dress.... moments like this.. can really ruin a day.. but on this day I found something pretty cool ... as I pulled over to sop up the mess, I picked up the cup lying by my feet.. notice theres still some coffee in it and immediately think .. ha ha , its still half full. It was in that moment that I realized.. no matter how bad my day was .... I still was going to be okay because.. I saw the cup " half full" not half empty. Did it change the fact I had a horrible day.. nah. But it did become a positive at the perfect time and that helped me to survive :)

Now dont get me wrong , Im far from 24/7 , Polly Positive... I have my negative nelly moments a lot too, but I do believe if you try .. to look at things positively or see a brightside.. it makes the hard times.. a little easier to cope.
What do you think? Is your cup half full or half empty ?

Todays Poem:

Life it comes in highs and lows
we never know just where it goes
one day up so pedastal high
next day down so low you'd cry

Positive thoughts powerful notion
help to battle negative emotion
when the day seems to downward pull
imagine your cup is still half full

not always easy to view it so bright
when lifes hardship attack with such bite
but hang in there!!, is great advice
stay strong till life's again nice

Smile and greet strangers and friends
get up the next day and do it again
so everyday friends I hope you will find
life gives you Positives at the perfect time.

October 2007- Rosa Gardner


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm Proud of the fact that your view of the cup was one you noticed. I think a good bunch of people out there would have looked and saw the cup half full as well. But would they have noticed their view?

Often we look at situations and then afterwards remember the fact that our view was negative. But we have to remember the positive spins as well, even when it looks bad.

We have to be positive, even in the face of adversity. But we don't always remember that. Glad you shared this. Made me look at a few things differently. Thank you.

October 5, 2007 at 7:37:00 AM EST  
Blogger Amy Goulet said...

The real sad part of this ramble to me? Is that during your pre interview test, you had to conform to a company’s ideal of a good worker and not given the chance to show who you really are or what you could contribute to them. Could you imagine how boring our day would be if everyone fit into a mold? Be glad you didn't get an interview; I would hate to see any part of Rosa compromised. I would gladly find you a camping chair next to me :-)

October 5, 2007 at 9:10:00 AM EST  
Blogger Eric said...

Yikes! I've never had to take a test like that. But the answer "moon the visiting guest for their comment" would probably get me rejected anyway. I'd never actually do that, but it might be my response to the question. haha

That company deserves who that test yields them. And you deserve much better than that company.

You're a very "cup half-full" person in my estimation. In a similar situation -- no joke -- the best I could come up with was that I liked the smell of coffee (see!F20DB78979201546!961.entry ).


October 7, 2007 at 5:54:00 PM EST  
Blogger Jaycatt said...

I've always been a half-empty kind of guy, I guess... I'm not happy about it, but for some reason I tend to focus on the things that need changing instead of the things that are going well.

A voice in my head says, "It's when something's broke you fix it, if it's going well, why bring it up?" Well, it's called preventative maintenance, really. If things are going well, yes, that's a good thing, but stop and think why they are going well. Could be that positive reinforcement will make them continue to go well longer than if just left alone because no immediate attention is required.

I don't know where I was going with this exactly, hehe, except to say that although it's easy to get distracted by the things in our life we need to improve, we shouldn't ever lose sight of the things that are going well, because the last thing we want is for those things to also need to be improved.

October 8, 2007 at 4:08:00 PM EST  

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