Thursday, September 13, 2007

Blues Buster

Hello Ramble Readers! Thanks for checking out my latest meandering wayward thoughts!

Okay so no matter how positive a person you are in life , we all get the blues.. it happens. You find life has dealt you circumstances you find yourself sighing and each step of that particular journey seems to be like trudging a steel toed boot full of sand through a vat of molasses. You can do it!! But its gonna take a while. The blues can bring you down... so todays post is about How do you bust your blues? I realize You cant always cure them.. some circumstances just dont disappear but you can find ways to feel good and bust the blues away a while! Heres a few of mine:

1) It goes without saying and this shouldnt even be counting that good friends can help you chase away the blues. Thats not to say they will be like some super hero force, quick changing from street clothes to spandex and lycra * although wow what a visual huh? * and flying in to whisk you off to happyland where the blues cant reach ...but they can sit with you for hours when you need to vent , tell you jokes that are totally lame just to make you smile for they know once one smile gets in .. you will start to feel better, they can stand firm for you to lean on when your own steps shake or falter.. they can care for you and show you to the world.. You matter! Good friends.. a geniune blues buster!!

2)My second bustin blues battle tactic is Music! Music literally carries me away! For me, I can so easily get lost in the moments of music be it the lyrics , which for me liking to rhyme poems a lot is often what grabs me , or the melodies music just absorbs me and I drift away into happier mood instantly. When my Dad passed away I was as low as Ive ever in my life been. Id lost my lifes best friend, my confidant, my advisor, I was numb and struggled to see any positives remaining in life without my Dad there to share them with me, but I found solace in music .. you know how your going along and the radios on and a song comes on that "takes you back" this was the start of music busting my blues.. a old song that my Dad loved came on the radio.. suddenly Im singing along with it.. memories of Dad flooding my mind.. when reality hits me .. its in the memories that I kept my Dad with me .. yes he was gone but not forgotten. Music like in the case of a happy feel good beat can lift your spirits as well, how many of us have found ourselves dancing or smiling from hearing YMCA or WIPEOUT or *insert your most favorite rockin song here*. Despite Blues being a form of music ... Music .. busts the blues away for me!!

3) My third way to bust the blues is photographs. If im low and feeling sorry for my current lifes circumstances sometimes seeing photographs, old, new, or taking current ones can perk me up and have me feeling appreciative of what in my life IS good. I soppose thats cliche'd as " count your many blessings" and perhaps thats true I just know .. seeing captured memories of times and events when lifes circumstances were happy.. makes me feel good and renewed to focus on the positives I still yet have in life :D

My last way to bust the blues and although its listed last.. certianly is not last one I turn to, but Ive found GIVING whoops the woes of life pretty darn well! I might be having a rotten day.. but you cant deny that warm feeling you receive when youve done something unselfish for another person. I am a hopeless romantic type so I have a unrealistic dreamlike faith in human spirit, but I like to live life feeling if I am a giving person sooner or later someone I help will pass it forward to help someone else they know and anytime you can be catylyst to a positive how can the day be negative right! :) So Giving is one of the ways I like to bust the blues:D

Are any or all of these a cure for the blues of life, No... but if but for a while .. they allow a smile.. then isnt it worth it to try ?

Now I've shared some of mine, wont you share some of yours? Maybe I will learn a few new techniques to try when life deals me my next bad day! Thank you so very much for reading and I hope your day is Blues free * unless its jamming to music * ha ha ha

Todays Poem:

Eyes brim with moistness
on the verge of tears
the blues have come to visit me
and intensify my fears

life in all its power
has dealt a day thats tough
and made me feel so very low
I've really had enough

Busting blues I begin
sharing laughs with good friends
blues are rough they hang around
making my smile become a frown

Music blasts and memories fly
to my sadness, wave goodbye
lyrics call and speak to me
renew my heart so happily

Blues are knockin steal my laughs
I find them again in ol photographs
captured memories of great life times
soon will have me feeling fine

Mean ol blues get me low
fill my day with negatives so
but battle back from where I live
I gain a smile each time I give

Blues can turn my skies to gray
cause me grief and make a bad day
Busting blues in positive fashion
smashes them all with powerful passion

Find your ways to battle back
when mean ol blues your day attack
Smile and sing or take a picture
make positives a permanent fixture

Thank you for reading :)


Blogger Jaycatt said...

Nice post! Yeah, I find reading a book, or doing something distracting, can snap me out of moods like that :)

September 13, 2007 at 7:06:00 PM EST  
Blogger Eric said...

Walking. Biking. Something with a wandering element to it, not just exercise. Looking at trees and nature warms me.

Music, too, but in a different way. I listen to songs that match my mood, and it allow the feelings to flow... then I can resume being happy again.

Puzzles is the last thing... sudoku, crosswords, jigsaw. Something that engages my brain. That's about it. :)

September 13, 2007 at 7:50:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You rock Rosa! Love the poem.

I find that even when I'm blue, I usually have a few friends, whom without even knowing it, lift my spirits in what they do.

They don't know it, but their emails, notes, and kind words make a world of difference. What was once a sour outlook for the day gets brighter.

September 13, 2007 at 8:24:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My blues buster (other than the ones you described) is what I call menial tasks. Mowing the lawn, for example. It takes just enough attention to make wallowing in the blues impossible, but not so much that you couldn't let your mind wander. As it happens, my mind often chooses to wander across strange and unknown pastures when I do things like that, and I come away with some idea that has grabbed me, totally forgetting that I'm supposed to be blue ...

September 14, 2007 at 2:37:00 AM EST  

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