Saturday, October 13, 2007

Respectful Ramble

Hello Ramble Readers! Thank you for coming back to see whats on my rambling mind :)

Earlier this week, while sitting at my desk I was happy! A live music show played in my ears.. my avatar danced... instant message conversations displayed.. all programs were functioning within normal paramiters.. I was "connected"! When suddenly.. the monitor goes dark, and eventually the tower shuts off .. upon restarting im told I had a driver error in my graphics card.

which made me ponder.. how much of what we use/do in life..we take for granted..
that tiny little driver.. locked deep away in my pc tower .. quietly toiling away so that I may click buttons and see all the viid colors and textures in whatever preferred enviroment Ive qued up on my screen. how much respect do I pass to this miraculous tasks being done. We start our day with automatic this and remote control that, and think its all basic needs, but where would we be without all the little things functioning to enable us our luxuries of modern convience. How many other things in our day to day life do we enjoy without so much as a pause of appreciation of all the little things that have to work in order for us to enjoy them.

Here's hoping we all take a moment now and again .. to rememebr where we've been.. to really appreciate where we are now :)

Thank you for reading

Todays Poem:

Little gremlins in machines
stop them running smooth and clean
all those little pieces parts
working together to let us start

take a moment, give a pause
for all the little jobs of awe
life is good, we have it made
just give credit where dues needs paid

lots of people do their share
for better world in which to care
some are famous, some unknown
without us all no progress shown

do our best each day we live
but not forget all others who give
as a world would we surely fall ,
without each of us giving our all


Blogger Coyote said...

It's well to be grateful to our little automated friends ;-)

My engineering career began with the advent of microprocessors in the middle/late 1970s. What a revelation! We felt like we were blasting into the future with these tiny little computers -- and as it turned out, we were.

October 19, 2007 at 9:49:00 AM EST  

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