Friday, November 2, 2007

Round Robin


When I was little * yes I really was young once * I can remember getting family letters "round robin" style.. where someone started the letter and passed it on to another who added something on and passed it on .. so by the time it circled round everyone was caught up on everyone else.. such a neat idea!

Way back when in my earlier days on the game Second Life this concept was applied to writting a poem. I found the expierence to be quite fun and had always wanted to do it again.. and just recently I was provided with that opportunity! I spoke to my friends Dylan Rickenbacker, who kindly asked Erszhebet Maertens, and I inquired of Raydon Writer all of whom graciously agreed to participate in creating a round robin poem. I found this a lot of fun and can't wait to do it again :) Thanks to all of you for helping to make a great project I hope you liked it too!!

Todays Poem

October 2007 Round Robin Poem:


Leaves fall from trees like tears from my eyes
sad to see summer's goodbyes
vibrant colors delight our view
the start of new seasons hue .... (Rosa Gardner)

The wine and the ivy, they are in flames
And across the windswept sky
My eyes are following a flock of cranes
Southbound sailing by. ( Dylan Rickenbacker)

Awakening in darkness to start the day anew
Grey English mornings of frigid foggy dew
Strangers scuttle to work with mourning in their eyes
No basking in Indian Summer to heal their souls' cries (Erszhebet Maertens )

The harvest moon rises through the dark
And I see the light of the stars long since gone
The dawn creeps up and leaves its mark
The land around me is slower to respond

Warmth of the sun is slower to come
The leaves on the trees wither without
And the dews grasp has a longer run
Though the world continues its shout

Come back! We need your light!
The sun tries to do whats right
Returning to the land that calls its name
Valiant efforts to repeal its shame( Raydon Writer )

Fall has arrived! Defeated summers days
to dot familiar landscapes in colors all ablaze
a hot cup of tea, a warm pumpkin pie
the sweet smells of fall , sure to make you sigh
Time to be thankfull, share blessings its true
for as I welcome Fall, I'm glad your with me too!! (Rosa Gardner )

October 2007 Round Robin Poem - FALL

Thank you for reading


Blogger NativeMoon said...

This turned out so great and it was such a wonderful experience - my delays notwithstanding...

I hope we can do something else together... perhaps even write a story?


Ersz (aka NativeMoon)

November 4, 2007 at 7:42:00 AM EST  
Blogger Rosa Rambles said...

Hey Ersz!! I do believe your hope is coming true as Dylan started a new one .. in fact in story form.. and I've just sent it on to Ray...your next! Can't wait to see how it turns out !

November 4, 2007 at 10:17:00 AM EST  
Blogger Eric said...

As the long days recede and the long night advances,
A darkness inside of the random one dances.
When awaking time, as well as dining time, darkens
The feeling of blackness with great power harkens.
Holidays come, darkness briefly is haulted
And like a treacherous river via stones can be vaulted.
I'll sit, and I'll wait. I'll seek out the light
But it won't shine within until it encroaches the night.

November 8, 2007 at 1:16:00 AM EST  

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